woensdag 31 juli 2013

summer storm

-the haiku was written for Caribbean Kigo Kukai #CKK44. The kigo was 'raincoat'. (jul13)

zaterdag 27 juli 2013


I am not afraid to die, he says, I still take the maximum out of each day like I always did. And I have an excellent doctor, she is the most clever lady I have ever met, I do everything she says and nothing more. No matter what people say.

I am told that he is a very sick man, and that his name is on the waiting list for a transplantation. Hence the temporary job, until his operation, whenever that will be.

But it's my wife, he sighs, she is driving me absolutely crazy. She cannot understand that I won't search on the Internet all day and grasp every single possibility there is in the world to get better.

With his eyes on me I nod, not knowing what to say. It would be easy to agree and take his side. Obviously I admire the way he deals with it all, and I have never actually met his wife, but how could I NOT sympathize with her?

sudden thunder
their argument

maandag 22 juli 2013

Athabasca Glacier

After my husband agrees to take her picture she hands over her camera and turns towards me: Would you like to be on the photo with me? Without hesitation I agree. Why not? A moment later we stand close together like good friends and smile into the camera.

That evening I wonder why I hadn't asked this girl anything. She was clearly travelling alone. Who was she, why was she on her own, where was she going? And what will she say when a friend watches her photo's and asks who I am?

valley motel
behind the nett curtain
a bumblebee buzzes